Welcome to the Mad Cows' blog

Welcome to the Mad Cows' blog!

The Mad Cows is the EUI's female five-a-side soccer team. We play just for fun and absolute beginners are warmly welcomed. Playing with the Mad Cows is a nice way to do some sports and meet new people to share some beers with. The members of the Mad Cows come from all environments and all nationalities: EUI researchers from all the departments, partners, members of the staff and people from outside the EUI world.
See you on the pitch!

10 April 2009

San Lorenzo Campi 1 - 5 Mad Cows

Dear Ladies,
Yesterday's match was one of the best I never saw since I am training the Mad Cows! It was tactically perfect against a very good team, that indeed were the one we were sharing the first position in the league! I am very glad because you all strictly applied the things we tried so far in our training sessions, especially the movements in defence. Few mistakes in the beginning just due to the very short warm up! The beginning of the match was, apparently, in favour of the opponents that were pressing us for more than ten minutes in our half. Apparently because, as I always say, we have to start from a very good defence, moving towards the opponent half with the whole team, so all 4 together! What you perfectly did, although were very eager to attempt some dangerous attack. Of course great defence, with a great goalkeeper! Unfortunately, we missed our goalkeeper Isabel which wrist was twisted! Better to stop for a while a waiting for her in the coming matches. But Isabel was very well replaced by Mi Ah, who in the goal was moving like ‘elastic woman’ and making incredible saves that gave a lot of confident and good energy to the Mad Cows, and a lot of frustration to the opponents! The great defence led by turns by Sandra, Costanza, Christel and Amy supported brilliantly the attackers Sara and Alessandra, who in turn helped a lot the defence for the entire match. In the end, all the Ladies had the chance to shoot in the opponent goal. The goals, all 5 absolutely nice were scored by Alessandra 2, Sara 1, Amy 1, Sandra 1. Beautiful also the fact that even in front of the goal you were looking for each other! This is great!
Giovanni and I enjoyed a lot as well as, I think, our supporters Edurne, Claudio and friends and the mascot Lister (the pictures will come…)!

Thanks a lot Ladies, was a beautiful match!
Have a Happy Easter with a thought to the people that are suffering because human beings don’t want to listen and respect our Mother Nature!



  1. Great tactical match, heart, organization in the pitch and strong "team spirit".
    It is a real pleasure to note how you all improved.
    It was a night of fun, emotions and satisfation.
    Let me compliment with the whole team!!
    Now, ...just do not relax as we have to burn all the chocolate and "Colombe" eaten during Easter... new challenges are coming...so, till next Wednesday evening.

  2. Ma chi è Lister? Enrique Lister il comunista spagnolo? Io penso che, in realtà, si tratti di Laister, il cane di Sara!!!
