Welcome to the Mad Cows' blog

Welcome to the Mad Cows' blog!

The Mad Cows is the EUI's female five-a-side soccer team. We play just for fun and absolute beginners are warmly welcomed. Playing with the Mad Cows is a nice way to do some sports and meet new people to share some beers with. The members of the Mad Cows come from all environments and all nationalities: EUI researchers from all the departments, partners, members of the staff and people from outside the EUI world.
See you on the pitch!

12 February 2009

A Clean Dozen: Joker FC 1 – Mucche Pazze 12

No, this is not a typo: neither did the Emmepí draw 1-1, nor did they score a narrow 2-1 victory. Both digits indeed belong together. In spite of what their team name suggested, the opposition had no joker up their sleeve and went into the match with just four players on the pitch. This made it considerably easier for the Mucche to develop their game and score no less than a dozen goals.
It became clear from the outset that the Mad Cows were determined not to run any risk of being surprised by the decimated opposition. They had five or six excellent chances to score early in the game, without any tangible result however. The three Joker girls and their goalie were trying to keep the nil-nil by kicking the ball forward or out whenever they got hold of it, which obviously did not allow them to construct anything just faintly resembling a game. And so the inevitable happened: after some five minutes Sara broke the spell and scored the by then more than deserved one-nil. She quickly doubled the score to two-nil, which pretty much broke the Jokers’ spirit. Before half time, Mi Ah with another doppietta, Sandra and again Sara gave the Emmepí a reassuring 6-0 lead.
In the second half, the Joker girls were off to a furious start and scored their goal of honour after some twenty seconds, a goal that was also applauded by the Mucche supporters. The opposition’s joy did not last long, however. Soon after, Sara scored her fourth goal of a night, this time with a powerful header (!) after a corner (even though she insisted after the match that it was an own goal by the defender – the jury disagrees!). Then the girls started to take turns: Mi Ah scored her third goal, followed by Sara’s fifth, followed by Mi Ah’s fourth (this time with the kind assistance of the Joker goalie). Sandra made it 11-1 with a beautiful shot with her strong left foot from the right wing.
After that, Amy was moved to the frontline and took up her personal duel with the Joker goalie. But obviously their number one had decided that there should be only three Mucche scorers tonight. She had some four or five great saves against Amy, and when she was not there, the post was. Hence it was only logical that the Mad Cows would complete the dozen when Amy got the ball in the box and, instead of shooting, passed it into the middle where Mi Ah was there to also make it five on her tally.
The match was not over after that, but the Mister decided it would be better not to humiliate the opposition even further and ordered the central defender (first Costy, than Mi Ah) to stay back and not participate in the attacks, even though there was no danger emanating from the Joker girls. So the game finished in the style of a (not too exhausting) training session.
All that can be said after a match like that is: well done! Not so much for the result, which after a certain point was secondary, but for the way the team played together once again, passing the ball, playing some nice combinations and having the courage to take shots at the goal. With a performance like this, it should be possible to win against five as well!
The team: Isabell – Costy V. – Sandra – Mi Ah – Amy – Sara
The scorers: Sara (5), Mi Ah (5), Sandra (2)
As usual, a big, happy thank you to the official MadCows reporter, Jannis! MOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!
    such an article deserved at least the "Gazzetta.." front page.
    Brave Ladies.
    Great, warm and nice supporters too.
    Giovanni Mazzoni
