Welcome to the Mad Cows' blog

Welcome to the Mad Cows' blog!

The Mad Cows is the EUI's female five-a-side soccer team. We play just for fun and absolute beginners are warmly welcomed. Playing with the Mad Cows is a nice way to do some sports and meet new people to share some beers with. The members of the Mad Cows come from all environments and all nationalities: EUI researchers from all the departments, partners, members of the staff and people from outside the EUI world.
See you on the pitch!

18 February 2016

Mad Cows vs. il Mondo

Mad Cows vs Ellepi

La partita inizia con ottime azioni da parte delle nostre mucche ma proprio quando stava per arrivare il goal del vantaggio accade un imprevisto e le avversarie segnano noooo...

Ma non è successo niente di grave infatti appena riparte il gioco succedono un pò di casini nella difesa avversaria e la palla viene abbandonata appena fuori dall'aria e subito francesca ne approfitta , effettua uno splendido pallonetto che finisce in porta e subito la squadra in delirio.

Bea si mette ad urlare al cielo ringraziando per la fantastica azione e il bel goal ma la partita non è finita e si vede, appena il gioco riparte in poco tempo le avversarie vanno subito sul due e sembra che anche questa partita sarà dura, la ieva in poco tempo riesce a pareggiare  ma le avversarie fanno subito il 3 e 4 goal e tutti pensiamo che la partita finirà molto male .

Mentre le nostre corrono e sudano per la vittoria in panchina si ride e si scherza con mister nino e la partita quasi non si segue infatti a 5 minuti dalla fine succede un primo miracolo , azione fantastica e perfetto triangolo tra ginevra e ieva e palla che finisce in rete e dalla panchina c'è chi spera in un miracolo e chi non sa come sia potuto accadere.

Calcio d'angolo , l'arbitro dice " 3 secondi e fischio" , immenso mischione in aria , ieva batte l'angolo la palla schizza in terra il portiere fa una errore e come per magia la palla finisce in rete.
Dalla panchina nessuno ci crede stanno ancora ridendo e ci mettono qualche secondo per capire che la palla è dentro la partita finisce 4 a 4 e tutte fanno ad abbracciare le eroine di questa splendida partita.

Mad Cows vs Sancat

Partita difficilissima oggi per le nostre ragazze , campo bagnato dalla pioggia che non vuole cessare.
Le avversarie sono molto brave e si vede ma la partita comincia in modo equilibrato , azioni meravigliose ma la sfortuna tocca spesso quando giochiamo noi e soprattutto quando piove infatti dopo che stavamo per segnare in poco tempo le avversarie prima fanno l1 poi il 2 il 3 e il 4, che sfida.

Le nostre non mollano e infatti nel secondo tempo le avversarie non riescono più a fare niente e noi proviamo in tutti i modi a fare un goal e infatti le nostre attaccanti fanno belle azioni ma non basta per riuscire nell'impresa , la partita è stata comunque bellissima anche se è stata dura e sotto la pioggia ma tutte sono state bravissime e anche il nostro mister era fiero di tutte le giocatrici.

Mad Cows vs Sagittae

Di nuovo una partita sotto la pioggia ma  questa volta tira anche un vento incredibile e dalla panchina si grida al freddo glaciale.

La partita inizia bene e quasi sembra una partita facile stavolta per le nostre ma purtroppo questa volta manca il gioco di squadra e c'è tanto solismo ma le nostre reggono e molte azioni sono bellissime ma anche questa volta le avversarie riesco a fare goal su una palla persa dalle nostre , che sfortuna abbiamo.
La nostra grande portiera bea anche in questa partita , su un campo bagnatissimo, fa parate fantastiche e spesso salva la porta.

Le avversarie farebbero abbastanza schifo ma le nostre sono molto stanche e dopo un'altro banale errore che per colpa della pioggia può succedere , prendiamo il secondo goal.

Nel secondo tempo dopo molte belle azioni da parte nostra e parate fantastiche di bea , a centro campo ginevra ruba la palla e la passa a hanna che la passa a pernille che scarta un'avversaria , tira la palla schizza sul'acqua e finisce in porta .

Dalla panchina si grida e si esulta come ad una finale di coppa ma ancora le nostre sono sotto di un goal e le gambe non reagiscono più al freddo e alla pioggia.

In tutti i modi si prova a raggiungere il pareggio ma a pochi secondi dalla fine lasciamo la difesa sguarnita e le avversarie fanno il 3 e la partita finisce.

Nino negli spogliatoi dice che hanno giocato tutte bene ed è fiero di tutte.

29 January 2016

C’era una volta

C’era una volta una squadra di brave calciatricimucche che lottavano parecchio per fare gol, ma la fortuna non era molto favorevole. Comunque fosse, loro continuavano ad attaccare ed a lottare. Ecco qua il racconto delle prime partite del 2016, spero sia di vostro gradimento e se non é cosi, mi dispiace le pallonate mi stanno rovinando il cervello.

Finito il 2015 ed anche il primo girone con una bella vittoria, un gioco di squadra anche qualche gol, la fiducia e l’ottimismo “era” tra di loro.

La prima partita del 2016 fu piú una partita di pallanuoto che di calcetto. Allora, le mucche una volta si sono messe le cuffie si tuffarono in campopiscina, non erano mucche erano  serene ed aspettavano le Materassi.

Le nuotatrici erano: Bea, Sanne, Laia, Adrienne, Francesca J., Letizia e Giorgia. Senza dimenticare al nostro Mister Gambino con gli asciugamani accanto anche il salvagente. I primi 10 minuti furono uno strano intento di non affogare. Poi piano, piano, tra il freddo e soprattutto la pioggia che non smetteva, fecero il loro lavoro… e arrivarono i nostri famosi “minuti di merda” ed i gol. Finisce la partita con un 4-0. Poteva andare peggio (è vero).

Contro Mix Team: Bea, Sanne, Laia, Isa, Zelda (malata!!!!), Ieva, Letizia, Giorgia. Il nostro Mister Gambino. Allora faccio veloce perche faceva freddo e ho fretta: ci hanno fatto solo 7 gol. Ci siamo divertite mooooooolto. Abbiamo fatto anche un gol noi, si!!!!. abbiamo scucito una maglietta? assolutamente.Abbiamo perso? certamente. Ma ci siamo divertite il secondo tempo come matte. Cosa ricordiamo della partita? … effettivamente il gol di Ieva e la ragazza del Mix Team piagnucolando per la sua maglietta: “Arbitro mi hanno scucito la manica” (dai figliola una caramella e non piangere ho pensato). Fine della partita 7 (+1) 0? e il nostro gol?..... mannaggia nella nostra porta!!!!! comunque il gol piú bello del campeonato (finora). Grande Ieva e grazie.

Firenze Rosso: Bea, Sanne, Laia, Ieva, Francesca J. (lei viene solo alle partite difficili non capiamo perché), Giorgia, Isa, Ginevra, e Letizia come “Dirigente” e il nostro Mr. Gambino. Partiamo come di solito, forti, concentrate, e tutto il resto. Si va avanti o altrimenti si difende.
Che dire ragazze, a un punto della partita qualcosa si era storto, e non parlo del ginocchio di Letizia che c’era già così…. ed abbiamo perso 80. ¡Ah! benvenuto alla piccola Ginevra anche alla Mamma che c’era in gradinata.

Quindi, abbiamo giocato con la pioggia, con il freddo, abbiamo perso ma abbiamo giocato insieme come squadra. Siamo penultime, non importa. La cosa bella della nostra squadra è che non smettiamo di lottare e non dobbiamo dimenticare di divertirci e sorridere. E ricordare che vi osservo da dietro. XDDDDD

La vostra portiera

15 December 2015

Mad Cows vs. Sagittae

Last Friday it was time for a new match of the Mad Cows. After a week filled with Christmas parties, mulled wine and hot chocolate everyone was feeling great, though slightly sleepy. When we arrived at Sancat, our captains had a surprise for the team that surely would wake us up: our Christmas presents! Fluorescent orange vests, a very professionally looking drinking set and, perhaps best of all, a suggestion for a new name. When Sanne and Laia had gone to the store to buy our new goodies and had to tell our team name, the guy misunderstood it and fittingly renamed us ‘Mad Chaos’. A name that quite well captures the spirit of our team and would also be suitable in case, after too many stamina-building trainings by Nino, we decide that football is not for us and we want to start a death metal band instead. Cheered on by a great curva, consisting of Inés, Clara, Franci the Kid and Núria, we started our warming-up and even managed to complete a ‘shooting the ball to the other person in the line, running to the other side, receive the ball, and shoot again’-exercise without balls flying everywhere. It was clear that this evening we were more zen than we had been in any of the weeks before.
     We began the match with Bea, our ever-present salvation, in the goal, Laia and Sanne as our wall of defence and Letizia and Ieva as our ferocious attack. We started the match with good focus, although Sagittarae possessed the ball more than we did and put up many attacks. Sanne and Laia coordinated their defence well and did not allow the other team to set up any truly dangerous attempts to score. Laia was replaced by Paula, who played great even though she had a bad cold, and Hanna came in for Sanne, putting up a solid defence. Agnieszka substituted Ieva and, with great energy, was always moving around to find the ‘empty space’. Adrienne took the spot of Leti. Although the attack tried to create dangerous situations for our opponents, in general most chances were formed on our half of the playing field. But thanks to the continued efforts of our defence and some beautiful saves by Bea, we entered the break with a score of 0-0. 
       In the break, Nino had the difficult task of keeping us calm, for there is always the risk that we enter into Mad Cows-crisis. The second half started out well, however, with the same line-up as the beginning of the match. Ieva and Leti created some great chances together. The most beautiful opportunity of the match was initiated by Leti giving a dead sharp pass to Ieva, who came running in at the second post and, ending in a great sliding, missed the ball by only a finger length! In spite of our great efforts, we entered into our moment of chaos when Sagittarae saw a chance to pierce through our defence and score a goal. Leti was very eager to even the score and was about to break free when a player of the other team kicked her. Injured, she had to leave the field, and be replaced by Hanna. Paula came in the game for Laia and Agnieszka for Ieva. Unfortunately, we had another goal against us. Then, after a moment of regaining her strength, Leti re-entered the game and Adrienne substituted Sanne in defence. The last moments of the match included some beautiful attacks with Leti shooting a ball from the side line to Adrienne, who came running in from mid-field, and shot the ball with a lot of force, but without any direction. A more dangerous chance was created by Leti, who saw a chance to ‘bomb’ the goalie of the other team. During the match, we also got several free kicks, one beautifully shot by Laia, and corners, but the goals did not want to fall tonight (at least, not for us).   

      All in all it was a great match! Unlike in previous matches, we had only five minutes of chaos and the remaining time we were playing organised and managed to set up some great opportunities for scoring. Perhaps it was the great curva, the Christmas presents or the inspiration we got from the mulled wine and hot chocolate, but we were definitely playing as a team. We did much better than in our previous matches. Let’s continue this line and we will surely be on our way to victory.   

07 December 2015

Mad Cows vs. Sancat

What can we say, the great Mad Cows had a not-so-great match experience on Tuesday against Sancat… let’s try to cover what happened. The initial lineup: Letizia and Zelda in the front, Sanne and Laia in the back. The game starts. The feeling is good. Sancat immediately appears as a same-level opponent, the game is balanced. They make mistakes, we make mistakes, they get opportunities and we get opportunities. 

A first sub, Francesca for Letizia. Some good passes, good forward actions… the balanced game goes on for a while, and then… it happens. First goal for Sancat. Tension starts increasing and mood starts decreasing. Some more subs: Oana and Olivia for Laia and Sanne. The fierce Mad Cows seem disoriented, and their communication is not good. A second goal from Sancat comes in. The mood gets even worse, Zelda is probably the maddest cow - angry with the whole world and destiny. But if coach Nino were a cow, he would have won “the maddest” title: his anger was trespassing the bench area and invading the pitch like black smoke. 

Subs keep rotating. The audacious runs by Francesca, the fierce defence by Olivia and Oana, the tenacious insistence of Adrienne, the precious saves by Beatriz… nothing seems to help, we get two more Sancat goals and everybody is relieved when we finally reach half-time, with a 4-0. In the second half the Mad Cows get themselves together a bit: some more organization, some fewer mistakes, even more insistence. But by then it has become a defensive game, trying to limit damage. We get “only” one more goal, and the game ends 5-0. 

The Mad Cows were given some grass-for-thought in the changing room by AngryNino’s speech, refreshed their furs with a shower, and off to the “third-half” (which they always win), pizza and beer :) 

I found this quote by C.S.Lewis’ particularly suitable to the herd’s current situation in the `classifica’: 
Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward toward success. So Cows, don’t let your horns hang and get ready for the next challenge!!

02 December 2015

Mad Cows vs. Ellepi

November has been an unlucky month and now we must really believe December brings some sort of curse. However last week’s game surprised us a lot. We just entered the pitch and already the group of our best supporters started to cheer us up! These sweet and quite aggressive lines of them gave us wings. The warm up was simply perfect. Laia was running like during a marathon. Paula was kicking the ball as a karate champion, Adrienne was talking all the time, and I was doing Brazilian ball tricks. Most probably it was caused by the banana consumption under the blanket before the match.

I could bet that I saw strong flames of hope in Nino’s eyes. Our supporters forgot their snacks they brought, warm tea and other beverages. I am pretty sure they were amazed, and they expressed that by calling for example some players Zidane, or as you can imagine: “yeah girls, go get them”, “whoooooo”, “great form” and so on.  We were strong, motivated and full of hope.

The expectations were high indeed but as we know the Mad Cows girls always start their matches very strongly (oh sorry – just wishful thinking).  The Mad Cows girls always like to take a little time to soak up the atmosphere and watch the opposite team, Ellepi, before they start to show their abilities. 

The game started. A fantastic defensive deflection by Sanne and Laia kept the opposite team from scoring in the first 5 minutes. Unfortunately our effort was broken down by a tragic goal. I would say - unlucky. Our defence, as well as other players were looking at Giorgia tying her laces, instead of being focused at the ball. The opposite team went onto the attack quickly.

Nino made some changes and put Agnieszka on the pitch. She was so distracted by the unlucky goal that she went into the game with her pink scarf on her neck. The referee smiled and was on our side. However, this did not help us. For another 10 minutes we were playing a bit chaotically but being able to block all the incoming balls. Unfortunately, Leticia needed to leave the pitch at centre half due to an injury for the rest of the game.

The midfield battle was now on the edge. Another short corner - a strong shot on goal this time - but not good enough to beat the Mad Cows’ keeper. The second goal of Ellepi was a little less fortuitous. Sadly, we lost the first half.

Nevertheless Mad Cows remained threatening with two particularly strong midfield players, Sanne in the back, and Adrienne running with inhuman vitality. The greatest moments in the second half were the corners, Sanne’s free kick and, of course our beloved supporters.

So the corners; we got them three in a row. First one was very beautiful. Sanne kick the ball to the middle and then Agnieszka run to it dangerously and almost scored. The second and third corners also were ‘almost scored’. It was now a real battle. We knew we do not have anything to lose. There were many attempts. Adrienne looked dangerous whenever she was in possession. We earned a free kick that Sanne took well, just a millimetre too far on the right.

Nino made the last change and put Agnieszka in the defence. Ellepi had little answer to her speed with the ball. It would have been harsh had the opposition extended their lead but it took great strength to prevent them from doing so.

The whistle goes - the crowd are on the pitch - they think it is all over ...... oh sorry - just moving onto the ‘third half’ – into the bar…