Welcome to the Mad Cows' blog

Welcome to the Mad Cows' blog!

The Mad Cows is the EUI's female five-a-side soccer team. We play just for fun and absolute beginners are warmly welcomed. Playing with the Mad Cows is a nice way to do some sports and meet new people to share some beers with. The members of the Mad Cows come from all environments and all nationalities: EUI researchers from all the departments, partners, members of the staff and people from outside the EUI world.
See you on the pitch!

16 November 2009


More or less the Mucche have started the engine for the new season!

Before the summer I was used to ride the worst slums around Florence, with the worst weather, in the worst conditions.
Now I am bothering while I feel me slightly frozen on the main stand of the "Kurt Hamrin" pitch, few meters away of the federal facilities of the world's champion team. But the 2010 is quickly nearing and a solid team, like Mucche, cannot be too much impressed with ranting titles.
Then I said "cold" because that was the common climate in ours -supporters, staff and team- feelings, maybe not the real thermometric data. Not the right day to start something, neither the right place, nor right conditions, and... Yes! I must admit that! This silly report to write! When I should prefer to watch peacefully the game.
First trouble: a sticky keeper who managed a strange procession around the lockers with seven cows, two of them are dragging a misterious big box, two supportes and a shining-eyed coach -The frost? The excitement for the keeper's tales? The emotion for the "gorgeous" new place?
Well, the fact is this keeper stopped every meter for silly warnings, and since the place even gorgeuos is rather labirinthic, it took a lot of time before the team can reach the door of the lockers and wear the new jerseys packed in the big box. Then I needed some further moment to get used to the white instead of green.

So long preamble only to give the suprisingly good mood at the end of the match. Allow me to tell about!

The new pitch is wider as the "Virgin's" or "la Racchetta", another trouble after cold, emotion and unwillingness. But these were a trouble for both teams, Mucche and Ellepi, yet known since last year. Now, I can't say if among them was some newcomer, surely all the time their goalie shouted the team to beware at the "5": they know very well Sara, the first to act something at the second minute, a very good free-kick, up the crossbar, just a crumb. Ours newcomers, Irene and Alessia, were more or less overwrought, but always in the game. Yes, all the troubles I said before helped the girls: slow pacing, fear for wrong movements and not too much wickedness.. Especially from Ellepi, confused by their loud-shouting coach.
All the mucche wings tried to penetrate the opponent's defence not only the forward "5", for example from about 8th to 14th min. Stefania raged the area with good
insertions at the middle, but she didn't manage 2-3 bals too fast or far. After is the Amy's shift, but again no chances to catch the ball to shoot. Therefore Sara decided to do by herself with a bomb -Screams said, it was the left leg- from distance at the 17th min. scoring the first goal of the season.
First and.. only of the match. Some other shot for Sara, Isabell go in the pitch for her shift receiving a good ball, kicked well, saved by the Ellepi's goalie. That was in the first half.
Now, I should tell about the second, and it should be worth because slightly more lively than the first, but.. But it will took me too much time, then let me only say the impressions. First part is a continuation of the first half: some good episode from Stefania, Isabell and even an hit on the cross-bar by Sara. Second part more nervous, maybe for the entry of the "Lalla" in the Ellepi, the only doing more danger, maybe for the upset due to the sticky keeper evoking Sara as "Amauri".
Well, the effect was Sara became angry, ruffled, ineffectual.. Like the real Amauri!
Ouch! So bad comparison! That is, the match is over!
I forgot Francesca, but she should be the most frozen on the pitch: i think she made only 2 real saves. Anyway, always sure and calm, very good!
And well done, not a thrill-match, but the best result for a start.


Mucche 1, Ellepi 0, Sara 17th min. of the first half.

Team: Isabel - Francesca - Alessia - Amy - Irene - Sara - Stefania

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