Welcome to the Mad Cows' blog

Welcome to the Mad Cows' blog!

The Mad Cows is the EUI's female five-a-side soccer team. We play just for fun and absolute beginners are warmly welcomed. Playing with the Mad Cows is a nice way to do some sports and meet new people to share some beers with. The members of the Mad Cows come from all environments and all nationalities: EUI researchers from all the departments, partners, members of the staff and people from outside the EUI world.
See you on the pitch!

20 March 2009

Ellepi 0 - 5 Mad Cows

Dear Ladies, very nice beginning yesterday evening!
Although it was not your best performance in this year, as our best supporter said, you played very well especially in the first 20 minutes of the first half, during which was practically impossible for the opponents to overtake the midfield line. So as just it happened in the first phase of the tournament against the same team, you were playing in front of their goal! But contrary to what happened the last time (we lost 1-0 and they shoot only once) this time you didn't concede any chance to them to win the match, but even to shot! Only very few defaillance, that are plausible and that just came up after some change in the usual positions in the pitch (to what you have to get used!!!). Ok few words about the sports diary! After the first vain attempts to score that made the gost of the afore mentioned match (see the related report of Janis: Just the wrong result) to appear, Alessandra scored the first of her 4 goals! Nice movement on the right side, overtaking the opponent that without luck was looking for her, and also helped by the movement of Mi Ah, she sent the ball to the opposite corner of the goal! Great! The goal didn't weaken the pressing of the Mad Cows, that instead had with all players other chances to score , especially Mi Ah. So great defence lead by Sandra and Costanza that as central defenders really allow few things to the opponent strikers, and by Christel who controlling the right wing, was actively participating at the nonstop action attack built by our attackers, and very close to score! The several attempts (included a couple of posts and an heel shoot) of Mi Ah were finally awarded by a nice score! Our goalkeeper Isabel, honestly was a bit inactive due to the great defence, but in the few thihgs that she had to do included a very theatrical save, (that as the coach says show self-confidence to the opponents and entertain the audience) was definetely showing a self-confidence that also means security for all team.
Ok, nothing more a part that the two choaches (one walking and the other standing only because tired for the daily work) in the bench and the supporters (also related of players!) had a nice time to watch you playing!

See you for the Monday's training session,

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