Welcome to the Mad Cows' blog

Welcome to the Mad Cows' blog!

The Mad Cows is the EUI's female five-a-side soccer team. We play just for fun and absolute beginners are warmly welcomed. Playing with the Mad Cows is a nice way to do some sports and meet new people to share some beers with. The members of the Mad Cows come from all environments and all nationalities: EUI researchers from all the departments, partners, members of the staff and people from outside the EUI world.
See you on the pitch!

21 November 2008

Learning to... lose - the new MUCCHE rules

dear all
you might have noticed that no news spread about last night's result. the bad news is that ... don't tell anyone but we.. lost. the good news is that an article on the magazine "il venerdì di repubblica" says that "per diventare grandi bisogna saper perdere. fin da piccoli". (to grow up one has to be able to lose)they published 10 rules developed by kidshealth.org on how to lose well, and you find them below :) read them carefully!

regretfully, a footnote on the website warned that rules number 5 and 6 do not apply in case of teams whose names start with M, ends with S and/or are composed by two words. it seems to be the case of the Mad Cows.... a big sorry to our Mister and second Mister, but we are sure this makes Mi Ah happy (n. 6 especially) :-)

by the way, Amy did score a fantastic goal (BRAVA!), and both Mi Ah and Christel came so many times close to increase the result. Costanza did a super tight defense and Valeria was flying around even more than usual. we could count on the fundamental support of born-again (to calcetto) Chiara, and we hope she will join us again! we had this time again a couple of brave supporters despite the cold, and we do think it is a tradition that should be continued :)

to conclude, let me remind you that i don't like to "diventare grande"... grow up (OLD, that is), so please let's win next time :)
baci a tutti, stefi

Here are some ways that you can show others what good sportsmanship -
and losing -- is all about:
  1. Be polite to everyone you're playing with and against. No trash talk — which means saying mean things while you're in the middle of a game.
  2. Don't show off. Just play your best. If you're good, people will notice.
  3. Tell your opponents "good game!" whether you've won or you've lost.
  4. Learn the rules of the game. Show up for practices and games on time — even if you're the star of the team.
  5. Listen to your coaches and follow their directions about playing.
  6. Don't argue with an official if you don't agree with his or her call. If you don't understand a certain call, wait until after the game to ask your coach or the official to explain it to you.
  7. Don't make up excuses or blame a teammate when you lose. Try to learn from what happened.
  8. Be willing to sit out so other team members can get in the game even if you think you're a better player.
  9. Play fair and don't cheat.
  10. Cheer for your teammates even if the score is 1,000 to 1! You could inspire a big comeback!

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